
What is my blog about?
While I have some ideas categorized so I can get things started, I’m going to let things happen organically and just see where the inspiration takes my senses. I need to jump into the unknown a little more often anyway.

I’m a true creative at heart with interest in so many things, sometimes I wonder if I should be more focused…but my mind simply isn’t that simple, if that makes any sense. I knew I wanted to start a blog years ago, but wasn’t sure where to begin or what my theme would be. Despite my creative random-ness, I knew it had to be streamlined to prevent (even personal) confusion. So I held off until I matured a little and found inspiration. My love of food & health combined with a host of creative interests = baking + cooking + food styling & photography, performance art (I was a dance instructor for 15 years), fashion etc. =  seemed the perfect mix to capture it all in what I hope to be an interesting and insightful journey, with a touch of whimsy. Magical experiences with food can take me to a euphoric place of whimsical fun which is why I chose the title: foodwhimzy. I also have an obsession with the letter “z” which is the reason for my spelling switch-up which I hope you don’t mind.

I live in sunny southern California with the husband of my dreams (yep – I’ve got a crush on my man), and 2 kitty kats, Keoni & Loa. Born and raised in a sunny mild weathered desert oasis, I’m spoiled and boy do I know it – my Jersey Boy husband never lets me forget it and consistently keeps me in check on the subject. I truly love where I live and try not to take it for granted. No kiddo’s, but I adore the little spirits and admire those who have + raise them well in this world. Maybe we’ll adopt one day if it’s meant to be.

I’m an eternal optimist, highly diplomatic, and have often been told “you’re too nice”. Sometimes it works, other times not so much but that’s simply me. I often care too much and want to hug the world. I’ll learn and grow with these traits that make me who I am, but I really don’t have any desire to change them. Like any girl/woman, I struggle with the complexities of being a lady, but the one thing I’ve always liked about being me is my personality and my big ol’ heart. So I’ll keep that in tact while I learn to LOVE the rest. It’s a work in progress.

So I’m jumping into the blog pool like so many before me with my heart on my sleeve. Let’s see where I go!

Thanks for reading… tara

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